The Design Process

Overview of the Unit

In this unit, we explored the stages of the design process, from initial research to the final creation and review of a project. We learned how to identify problems, gather information, brainstorm ideas, and create prototypes. By understanding and applying these stages, we were able to develop effective and innovative solutions.

Key Stages of the Design Process:

  1. Research: Gathering information on different materials and techniques. For example, researching various types of tape and pasta to determine the best materials for building a structure.
  2. Design: Planning and brainstorming the project. This included creating clear blueprints and visualizing the final product.
  3. Create: Building prototypes and testing the designs to ensure they work as intended.
  4. Review: Evaluating the product and making necessary adjustments to improve its performance.
  5. Finish Product: Completing the final product with all modifications and preparing it for submission.
  6. Submission: Exporting the final design as a high-resolution image and sharing it for evaluation.


  1. Researching Online: Doing online research can let you see what other people have done so you don’t need to reinvent the wheel.
  2. Plan, Plan, Plan: The more you plan, the better your result will be.
  3. No Plan Survives Reality: Even the best of plans require you to improvise. Expect it.